Friday, February 25, 2011

Foods for a Cancer patient and diabetic person?

My grandfather, the old has stomach cancer and diabetes. I want to know what he can eat and what to avoid those things that I can help him. He loses weight, there are foods that I can give him to act against it? Please help me, is how far his cancer? I guess he is very ill? could clarify the nurses and doctors have food, I do not think it matters what he's like a cancer that he lose weight and no matter what he eats, he claims weight gain is to eat. Make sure he does not eat too many carbohydrates to keep (bread, cakes, etc.) and sugar in diabetic level. When my father was 76 and died of stomach cancer, he ate hardly anything, and he was a diabetic, it was only 6 weeks of an illness until he died. Evolve Health Water helps really good. More than just water product. Believe me when I say that this product has helped my grandmother with her breast cancer and my own mother with her diabetes. Please go to the site to see the testimonials and contact me @ yahoocom marcus_foggle7 for more information .


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