Saturday, February 5, 2011

What are some foods to avoid if I am diabetic?

Array Stay away from white rice. Try brown rice instead. I suggest you keep your carbs to less than 9 grams per hour. This will check your blood sugar and insulin, and how they managed to pre-diabetes medicines. Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, rice) the release of insulin, which can save the calories you eat into fat. The more you eat protein hormone glucagon increased burning of fat is released. The more carbohydrates you eat more of the hormone insulin is released from fat storage. High insulin levels promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger and other hormonal imbalances. Controlling insulin levels is going to balance hormones and human growth hormone (HGH) is produced naturally, you will gain muscle mass, even without exercise. Any exercise will increase your muscle mass, with high levels of HGH. Do not use normal sugar, use Splenda instead of sugar candy or gum


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